Hand Gesture Makes Friends Everywhere
Written by SurfWriter Girls Sunny Magdaug and Patti Kishel
There’s an easy way to share friendship and make friends in the new year. Just shaka it to them! Giving the popular hand gesture with the extended pinky and thumb.
The shaka sign, which originated in Hawaii, is so widely seen in the islands that on June 24th the state took legislative action to designate it as the official state gesture, a welcoming sign of friendship and aloha.
Commonly used among surfers, the shaka is a friendly gesture that can mean anything from "Hello" to "Hang loose!" Or "Epic wave, dude!" It can also mean "Have a good day," "Sorry, my bad" or "Don't sweat it." The messages are virtually endless with this universal gesture of goodwill.
of the Hawaii state legislation making the shaka sign official say Hawaii is
"lucky to have a visual sign for sharing aloha with each other."
It's a sign that has travelled far beyond Hawaii's shores, transmitting good vibes around the world wherever it goes. You can flash it palm out or in; hold it flat or shake it about. Just like riding a wave, the style is up to you.
Whatever the name means, one thing is certain: the shaka is bound to put a smile on your face.
Sunny Magdaug and Patti
Kishel hold the exclusive rights to this copyrighted material. Publications
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